Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Reach out to your kids!!!!

It's an undescribable feeling when u feel one with your kids...It's so beautiful when they open up to you so completely...and share themselves with you.As a mother I have always been around for my kids,but now i realise never really with them....!!I used to do loads of things for them,get all their work done&see that they always had what we wanted......until the day I realised that all they ever wanted was me!!!:)

It was only when I started spending real time with them &sharing my feelings with them,that they started opening up to me.I suppose I now seem more human to them,not the perfect mother who can't do anything wrong ,but a friend who did as many silly things as they did....I think when we create a space in which we too are imperfect and human,it no longer becomes necessary for the other person to hide behind what we civilized people call "Looking good"...That in a nutshell is what sets up the space for real communication,from the heart &soul........much above the superficial conversations that we all have where we are busy convincing the other person how wonderful we really are...;)

For the first time ever my teenage daughter could share all her adolescent feelings,aspirations and confusions with me......she revealed how she used to be so scared of me as she thought I would never understand her she actually asks for my advice as to how to stand up to her peers and make the choice about what's right and wrong...Amazing stuff from a 13 yr old who till recently used to do exactly the opposite of whatever i said:)...

It really touched me when my little son said"U don't play with us like the mummies in the ads on tv!!"Now he is so thrilled when he gets to play at hot wheels with me,that i get to hear all the stories at school,of the times that he feels great and even of the times he feels shy&scared....which i'm actually able to resolve for him!!
I only wish I could have been the same way with my parents coz I realize just what I have deprived them of!!For me the joy of being a friend to my kids is just priceless!!!

1 comment:

Skywalker said...

hhhmmm...interesting read...all this while i have always been socialising with my peer group... i guess its altogether a different challenge to be able to socialise with a generation younger to you.....your 2 cents on this piece, leave me with a thought that there are things beyond money & career that i need to work on... as i like to say... man problems bonami... man problems :-)